Gauntlet GolfCANCELED11252020

Fredericksburg Golf & Sports Academy

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45 Minute Lesson - Private Lesson for an Adult
The perfect gift for someone who needs a little work on their game.  Topics can cover any aspect of the game and can be specific to your swing in the private lesson format.  Get ready to take your golf swing to the next level and seriously improve your golf game.  To schedule your private lesson simply call the Golf School at (540) 752-0963 and speak to one of our registrars.
*** Note:  Online purchase of this gift certificate does not automatically secure a reservation in private lesson schedule.  Cardholder must call to reserve lesson day & time.  Please allow at least 48 hours for the School Registration office to be notified of your lesson purchase. ***
45 Minute Lesson Series of Five - Private Lesson for an Adult

Five, 45 minute private lessons include 1 bag of practice range balls between lessons.  The perfect gift for someone who needs work on their game.  Topics can cover any aspect of the game and can be specific to your swing in the private lesson format.  Get ready to take your golf swing to the next level and seriously improve your golf game.  To schedule your private lesson simply call the Golf School at (540) 752-0963 and speak to one of our registrars.

*** Note:  Online purchase of this gift certificate does not automatically secure a reservation in private lesson schedule.  Cardholder must call to reserve lesson day & time.  Please allow at least 48 hours for the School Registration office to be notified of your lesson purchase. ***


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